Wednesday 15 May 2013

Working Log- Cue Sheet

Lighting Cues for 'Can't Stand Up For Falling Down'. The play only lasted 20 minutes and most of the lighting cues where fade up and fade down. The play was fairly easy to light as the set was three different houses. The cue sheet really helped because I didn't have a script and the Cue Point helped me familiarise myself with the play.

Cue 65 was the hardest cue out of all because of the timinng and the fade was set to snap.

Monday 13 May 2013

Original Plan


The Lighting Designer created this plan so it was easier and specific to the Christmas. During the rigging process the lighting digner told me where to put the specific lights.

Lighting Portfolio

Working Log- Focus Notes

The lighting designer wrote focus notes so the crew knew where what light was going and what socket they were plugged into.

For example, to speed up the plotting session, all back lights would be grouped together. However, due to the performance space change, we added to this plan, and adapted accordingly. The far right column indicates which socket the light was plugged into.
This picture is evidence of me plotting lights.

Working Log- Colour Call

Whilst rigging lights the crew would be responsible for the gels and which light they are postioned in.  
The above colour call was altered during a rigging session. The lighting designer desired the gel number 103, however due to a lack of this gel in stock, we replaced them with 205, which closely resembles the straw colour of 103. To avoid light patches on the stage, we grouped the lights together so the beam would blend.
The picture is evidence of me cutting out a gel for the rigging prosess.

Thursday 9 May 2013

Rigging Plan

The Image above is the rigging plan that was used for the Christmas Show and this shows what we have changed lights from the initial plan.  
Changes we made;
Due to a damaged floor we had to change the postion of the stage and this had a massive impact on the lighting plan.
When Rigging we turned the plan upside down and worked from bottom to top. This meant that when patching the sockets where all the wrong way round.
This also meant that the postionging of the staging was wrong on the plan (e.g Christmas threes)   

                             The picture is evidence of me rigging lights for 'Can't stand up' 

Working Log- Original Lighting Plan


The Lighting Designer created this plan so it was easier and specific to the Christmas show. During the rigging process the lighting digner told me where to put the specific lights.